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Good Things Hitler Did Reddit

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'After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.' – John F. Kennedy

Theoretically, Hitler himself could have been sent back in time using Die Glocke to found the Nazi Party, ensuring that Die Glocke would be built to send him back in time 13. We move from science fiction to pure conspiracy theory here, with accusations that the Nazis are somehow linked to the creation of aspartame. In his youth, Hitler had a crush on a Jewish girl by the name of Stefanie Isak. He never worked up the courage to say anything to her, which doesn't sound like Hitler. He did, however, write about weird and creepy fantasies of kidnapping or committing suicide along with her. What are the positive things Hitler did for Germany and the World? We know all of the bad things he did, as they are very documented and taught in our school system. I am curious though as to the good things he did and specifically how he got into power. Hitler was a brilliant man, there is no debating that, but he did a lot of bad things as well, id have a beer with him though, just to be able to try and understand why he did what he did 8 years.

Adolph Hitler was raised in a middle class family, and during the early years of his life his family even went through a difficult period of starvation. After being a soldier in world war I, on January 30th 1933, he found himself head of the German government, fulfilling the dream of every poor and middle class person who ever sought to make it big.
We are all familiar with the story of Hitler that the United States would like you to believe. Hitler has been made out to be one of the most 'evil' people to have ever lived, slaughtering millions of innocent Jews. This same story has been echoed throughout Hollywood for decades, and by now it's safe to say billions of dollars have been spent to convince you of this black and white, good vs evil perspective about the Nazi regime. What if it isn't entirely accurate?
After investigating the work of others who have documented history in an unbiased fashion, as well as those who have interviewed people who worked and lived alongside Hitler, there is strong evidence to suggest that what we've been told is extremely inaccurate. A completely new examination of Hitler and Nazi Germany during World War II is required, and from this examination a different story is sure to emerge.
Here are 12 things you were not told about Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany:
1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels
When Hitler's period as Chancellor of Germany began, the German people had no work, no money and were starving. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread at the time, and many Germans were living in shacks after countless homes and farms had been seized by Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled banks.
In his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Hitler's Reichsbank President, Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, let out the big secret:

'The mark's dramatic devaluation began soon after the Reichsbank was 'privatized,' or delivered to private investors.'

Good Things The Nazis Did

In other words, responsible for the post-war hyperinflation was not the German government, but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany, and its monopoly it had over the creation of money. Germany's economy was crashed and devastated by bankers… that is, until Hitler arrived.
After Hitler was elected, refusing to play ball with the Rockefeller-Rothschild rules, one of the first things he did was fix the corrupt, debt-based financial system. By completely thwarting the international banking cartels, the Nazi government issued its own currency known as Reich Marchs, which were debt free and uncontrollable by international financial interests.
Debt Free Finance = Freedom
If America nationalized their currency as Hitler did for Germany, they would effectively sever all ties with international bankers, the manipulation of their government and economy would cease, and they would live debt-free. Just as Hitler issued debt-free currency for Germany, Abraham Lincoln setup an interest free banking system in the United States when he was President, and he was murdered for it. Former US president Andrew Jackson issued interest-free currency, and two shots were fired at his head in an assassination attempt, but the shots misfired and he survived. John F. Kennedy issued interest-free currency during his presidency and we all know how he met his untimely demise.
After Germany's public banking system was installed, world Jewry responded by declaring war on Germany, including a global boycott of German goods. Within two years, the German economy was flourishing with its new-found stable, and inflation-free currency.
2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment
After setting up a public banking system, Hitler began his reign by constructing new roads, bridges, dams, canals, port facilities, and much needed repair of public and private buildings.
Everything was done with public money that owed no interest to the International 'Banksters'. As Hitler said, 'For every Mark issued, we required the equivalent of a Mark's worth of work done, or goods produced.'
Next, the NAZI government encouraged women to be homemakers, and all the work being done to repair and improve the country's infrastructure and transportation created jobs for men. The unemployment problem had been solved within only two years, and Germany was back on its feet.
It's often been claimed, that Hitler's success in reviving his nation's economy was based largely on government spending for rearmament. This is a myth. As the renowned British historian A. J. P. Taylor noted:

'Germany's economic recovery, which was complete by 1936, did not rest on rearmament; it was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public works, particularly on motor roads, and this public spending stimulated private spending also, as [British economist John Maynard] Keynes had said it would. …while nearly everyone else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it.' – A. J. P. Taylor, From Sarajevo to Potsdam (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), p. 140.

3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women, Children and Strong Family Values
During the economic hardship just before Hitler was elected, Germany was seeing a declining rate of birth. In 1933, Hitler passed a law that enabled married couples to obtain interest free loans minimum 1000 Reich Marks (equal to 9 months salary) to set up homes and start families.
For each child birthed, the couple was allowed to keep 250 marks and did not have to repay it. This system pioneered by the Nazi government exists today in Switzerland. In the eyes of Nazis, women were viewed as the preservers of the tribe, the guardians of future generations, and the priestesses of domestic virtue.
Recognizing that families are the primary unit around which a functioning society is built, Hitler emphasized the principle of maintaining a strong bond among family members. Admired for his high regard for mother's, families were inspired and strengthened under the leadership of Hitler.
Poor families were helped by using financial incentives, and family allowances, marriage loans and child subsidies were provided equally to each and every segment of society.

4. Nazi Preservation of Environment and Animals
Under the Nazi regime, mishandling an animal was considered a heinous crime, and if somebody was discovered mistreating an animal, they were sent to concentration camps. As someone with great admiration for animals, Hitler showed great concern for animals native to Germany, and passed laws that ensured their safety and well-being.
In 1934, Hitler passed a law called Das Reichsjagdgesetz (the Reich Hunting Law), which regulated how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish proper ‘hunting seasons'. This law has now been adopted by most western countries.
Animal conservation was included in Primary, Secondary and College levels, and in 1935, the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Reich Nature Protection Act) was passed. which placed several native species on a protection list including the wolf and Eurasian lynx. It is likely that this law saved some native forest-inhabiting species from going extinct.
The Nazi's were also the first to create environmental protection laws in history. The German Imperial Conservation law of 1935 was passed, which protected 'remaining portions of landscape in free nature whose preservation on account of rarity, beauty, distinctiveness or on account of scientific, ethnic, forest, or hunting significance lies in the general interest.'

'[It is] useful to know the laws of nature – for that enables us to obey them. To act otherwise would be to rise in revolt against heaven.'– Adolf Hitler

Hitler was a well-known lover of animals.

5. Hitler Banned Experimentation on Animals (Vivisection)
Nazy Germany was the first country in the world to ban vivisection, or any experimentation on live animals. With its great concern for animal conservation, and human treatment, a complete ban of vivisection was enacted in April 1933.
The Prime Minister of Prussia Hermann Goring has said:

'An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp.'

A cartoon showing animals saved from vivisection saluting Hermann Goring. The sign in the window says 'Vivisection Forbidden'.
This German cartoon depicts animals that were saved from vivisection saluting Hermann Goring. The sign in the window reads 'Vivisection Forbidden'.

6. Hitler Funded Research into 'Free Energy' Technologies
Hitler was well aware that in order to truly escape the stronghold of economic manipulation by the international banking cartel he would need to find a way to eliminate Germany's dependence on oil. An inexhaustible source of energy that was not monopolized by the private money cartels was required for true sovereignty, and this is what Hitler sought.
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This pursuit led Germany to develop what has been called The Nazi Bell, which is described by author Joseph P. Farrell as 'a hyper-dimensional physics device being researched under the auspices of the SS departments Entwicklungstelle-IV, Forschung, Entwicklung, und Patente, and SS General Hans Kammler's super-secret weapons black projects think-tank, the Kammlerstab.'

According to Farrell, 'the mission brief of the Entwicklungstelle IV was to develop free energy and to make Germany independent of foreign oil.'
The Nazi Bell was designed, in Farrell's estimation, for a threefold purpose:
1. Energy Independence
2. Advanced Propulsion Technology
3. A Weapon of Tremendous Power
In his book Babylon's Banksters, Joseph P. Farrell points to evidence that after the War, the United States made every effort to reconstruct the personnel team that worked on the Nazi Bell, so that they could develop the technology for themselves and restore the balance of power between 'Nazi International' and 'Anglo-American' elite factions.
Read the rest:

Tune into Red Ice Radio:
Mike King - Ferguson: New Norm of Madness & The Hitler-in-Argentina Hoax
Veronica Clark - Demystifying Popular Nazi Conspiracies
Tom Goodrich - Hellstorm: The Myth of the Good War
Mike King - Yazidis, World War II Untangled & Degeneracy of the West
Dennis Wise - Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told



Dec 12, 2019 Hitler appeared on the cover of TIME on multiple occasions — most famously perhaps on Jan. 2, 1939, when he was named Man of the Year. That choice abided by the dictum of TIME founder Henry Luce. Hitler was a brilliant man, there is no debating that, but he did a lot of bad things as well, id have a beer with him though, just to be able to try and understand why he did what he did 8 years. Did Adolf Hitler Do Any Good things? I know Hitler was a bad man and all but there must be some good things that he might've done for Germany or the whole of Europe. I know I'm not nazism supporter and apart from his mass genocide, did he do something good or was he purely evil? Hitler still holds the titles for 'World's Most Reviled Man of All Time' and 'Best Mustache Style Ruiner.' Hitler was a man who overcame the odds to do terrible things, and managed to pull the wool over the eyes of millions.

Adolf Hitler raises a defiant, clenched fist during a speech.

The following is adapted from the TIME special edition The Science of Good and Evil, available at retailers and on Amazon

It's hard to think of Adolf Hitler as a thing of flesh and viscera and bone and blood — a functioning organism like the rest of us, someone who breathed and ate and slept and sweated. He wasn't a functioning organism for long — just 56 years from his birth on April 20, 1889, to his self-inflicted death in 1945. But he lived — continues to live — as a specter for much, much longer.

In a sense, he lived even before he lived — as a thing of dread: the monster in the cave, the creature down the well, the prophesied power that would one day plunge humanity into a mortal struggle for its own survival. Such mythical figures had emerged in all cultures, in all centuries, and then in the 20th, one emerged for real.

In the decades since his physical death, Hitler has lived on in a similar way: as moral touch point, a perverse gold standard for all that is wicked, all that is murderous. He is concept turned human, evil made flesh. He is, in the simplest and most straightforward way we can put it, the worst person who ever lived. Really. Think about it. Who would be worse?

Yes, we live inside our current and recent history, so that what is now or what is still near looms larger, closer than things in the more distant past. That includes our monsters too. So was Caligula actually the worst person who ever lived? First-century Romans probably thought so. Genghis Khan, whose 12th-century wars are thought to have killed as many as 40 million people, may have been the dark icon of that era. Ivan the Terrible did not come by his descriptor by accident, especially after the infamous massacre of the city-state of Novgorod in 1570, which saw up to 60,000 people claimed by the dictator's bloodlust.

The deaths Hitler authored, however, were different: they were mechanized, industrial, animated by a madman's hate — of Jews, Roma, gays, the disabled — and enabled by a modern technological infrastructure. Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin may — or may not — have claimed more lives, but at least some unknown millions of them were caused by famine, the result of inept execution of a flawed ideology. Hitler's killings were intended, effectively premeditated, 11 million counts of first-degree murder in the Holocaust alone, never mind on the battlefields and in the bombed cities.

Good Things Hitler Did Reddit Video

Hitler appeared on the cover of TIME on multiple occasions — most famously perhaps on Jan. 2, 1939, when he was named Man of the Year. That choice abided by the dictum of TIME founder Henry Luce, who decreed that the Man of the Year — now Person of the Year — was not an honor but instead should be a distinction applied to the newsmaker who most influenced world events for better or worse. In case that second criterion was lost on readers, the issue that named Hitler dispensed with the portrait treatment that cover subjects typically got. Instead he was depicted as a tiny figure with his back to the viewer, playing a massive organ with his murdered victims spinning on a St. Catherine's wheel. Underneath the stark, black-and-white illustration was the caption, 'From the unholy organist, a hymn of hate.'

The text of the story, which can be read by subscribers at the link below, was both clear-eyed and prescient, written at a moment in history after the Reich's land grabs of Austria and Czechoslovakia (which TIME rendered both as Czechoslovakia and Czecho-Slovakia), but eight months almost to the day before the invasion of Poland that would trigger the full fury of a second global war. The Holocaust, surely already bubbling up in the fever swamp of Hitler's brain, was still a crime beyond human imagining — but that would change. In a world that can sometimes seem inured to evil, may we never see the likes of the unholy organist again.

Good Things Adolf Hitler Did

Read more in the TIME special edition The Science of Good and Evil, available at retailers and on Amazon

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Bad Things Hitler Did

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